Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma

Trauma during our childhood changes us in profound ways that we may not fully understand. We may go for years with no problems at all and then find ourselves caught in a downward spiral. We may have always felt as though there is something “wrong” with us, but we are not exactly sure what. We may experience chronic anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. We may self-medicate with substances or behavioral addictions like compulsive spending, overeating, sex, or gambling. We may have physical symptoms that medical providers are at a loss to explain. Our relationships can be troubled, or we repeatedly choose “the wrong person” and we may not understand why. 

We can help you process and integrate your trauma so that you can learn to recognize what is normal, what is not normal, and how to set healthy boundaries so the destruction stops. You will learn how to explore and address unresolved trauma and how to nurture and heal yourself.